Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Back in SG alrdy..

What to do??

Still so sianz... and I'm rusting already...

Orchard central's open... maybe i'll find time to go there...

Maybe visit NUS ppl also... NTU ppl not around anyway... T.T

New resolution: find a job, or internship next year, this time...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Right, since somebody had to voice out her concern about my absence from here, I'll give a small update on life.. (keke, actually I suddenly remembered about blogger last night after it diasppeared from my things-to-do list for uh, quite some time.. hehe)

So i got my driving license a few days back.. yup, I was over 21 yrs old when i got it.. can u believe how dumb i feel? grrr.... taking the driving test with a bunch of form 5 graduates.. giggle giggle all the way.... and a whole lot of them failed juz the parking part...... geez.... stress me juz to watch them....

Anyway, i got mine without any major hiccups.. (thank goodness) and after a few days of practise in town, my parents decided I'm safe enough and allowed me drive to Sitiawan today.. ( its a total of 3hr drive on trunk roads..)

My comment?


Juz accelarating and breking is enough to keep me busy.... Clutch some more???

Haiz... another point to take note... M'sian "P" license is really useless... up till now I still can't really react to emergencies... combined with high speed?? The Ultimate Recipe for Disaster.. O.o